The four Vedas deals with the various kinds of worshipping methods for worshipping and energizing the Gods. Rig Veda explains about the worship methods by way of mantras, Sama Veda explains about the worship methods by way of music, songs and other praising words about the Gods, Yajur Veda explains about the Agni Puja and Animal Sacrifice to the Gods to increase their powers and in turn to get blessings from them and after such energizing powers, the Atharvana Veda deals with God’s destroying power against the evil forces using their divine Cosmic weapons such as Trident, Spear and Lance etc.
The humans were misled by some saints that the Animals should not be sacrificed for the GODs without knowing the energy conversion matter. They have not understood about the Nature and the GODS. They though the GOD and the Nature is same. And hence, the nature’s creation of such small animals and birds cannot be sacrificed to the Gods. As everything is “Energy Conversion Matter”, Gods always gives knowledge to maintain a healthy human body, for which what is essential to be taken for the wellness of the human organs, has to be taken – irrespective of whether it is “Vegetarian” ( induces KNOWLEDGE and referred as “SATVIC Foods”) or “Non Vegetarian” (gives STRENGTH TO ORGANS and referred as “RAJASIC Foods”). As the foods are deciding the characters of a human, it has to be chosen according to the needs of the working environment.
The prime desire of the GODS is always to Protect the Humanity against the evil force. When the Evil are strong, then equivalent and more fighting powers are required for the GODS, especially for the Protective GODS and GODDESSES. This extra power can be absorbed by the Gods only from the BLOOD SACRIFICE. As the GODS always think that the Humans are their special creations in the COSMOS and in order to save the humanity against the Evil forces, some small amount of Blood sacrifices are needed for them.
Especially, Certain Protective Gods/Goddesses like KARUPPAR, MUNEESHWARAR, AND KALI DEVI, CHANDIKESHWARI DEVI, VARAHI DEVI – require blood sacrifices to gain more cosmic power and to destroy the evil forces to save their Devotees. Goats and other animals were sacrificed during earlier times to appease such Gods. When this practice went to a level of sacrificing humans (generally Prisoners, Thieves, Enemies) by certain arrogant groups, the Divinity had sent some SAINTS to stop this Human Sacrifices, in order to protect the Mankind.
Later, instead of stopping the Human Sacrifice alone, the entire Blood Sacrifice rituals (using the Goats/ birds / animals) was wrongly stopped by the Devotees which has weakened certain Gods in the Divinity who are able to destroy the evil powers.
In some areas, certain group of devotees are still offering their own blood as sacrifice by piercing their own body through some pointed Spheres and sharp needles and big knives thereby releasing small amount of blood from their body. Although the GODS appreciate the blood sacrifice of the devotees, it would be much better to offer the same by way of sacrificing the small animals and birds. As everything is a matter of energy conversion from one form to another form, the prime importance of the GODS is to look after the human’s welfare as a priority to safeguard them against the Evil forces. Yet, in many villages in India and certain Foreign Countries, the people who follow Hinduism still continue this blood sacrifice rituals, and there these Gods are very powerful.
Only the Rig Veda and Sama Veda rituals such as Bhajan, Decorations are being performed nowadays and the energizing Yajur Veda and Atharvana Veda rituals are not being performed in the temples. This has considerably affected the entire humanity in getting the Divine powers in abundance, during their temple visits.
Nowadays, many temples are constructed with beautiful infrastructure, but without the proper facilities conducive for a “Divine Abode” – and hence the Divinity cannot stay in those temples, and those structures are thus nothing but “Museums” – with empty divine powers. In the recent decades, many temples had been constructed with the idols of Dead Human Beings (who are claimed as Saints) and their Idols had been promoted as Gods and being worshipped by many innocent humans – due to the influence of heavy “Marketing Strategy”. Such man-made idols, so called Gods, do not know anything about the COSMIC ENERGY Secrets and they cannot help the mankind in anyway. Invariably, the popularity of such “Man-made Gods” and its ineffectiveness slowly decreases the overall belief about the Ancient Vedic Gods and their powers – among the humanity.

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