Agni Homam are the only way to get the God’s blessings for the requisite prayer. Mere Aarathi, Abhisekham (bathing ritual) and Decorations over the Idol alone is not sufficient to energize the divine powers. Hence, it is the duty of every worshipper who visits a particular temple, to energize the Gods of that temple by way of offerings through regular “AGNI PUJA” only.
When many devotees offer small amount of Aahuthis through Agni Puja to the Gods, the Divine power will bless them with big benefits. Hence, it is imperative that the Devotees need to insist on carrying out the Agni Homam every day, in the Temples where they visit.
(b) SMOKE accumulation in the Agni Puja will disconnect the Agni Kund and the Divinity:
While doing the Agni Puja, the fire must be constantly kept alive in the Homa Kund by continuously pouring the Ghee. So, it is known fact that any Agni puja requires big amount of Ghee. If the fire is not maintained continuously and the smoke starts to accumulate due to the poor performance of the Archakar, the cosmic connection between the Homa Kund and the Divinity is affected and disconnected and the Aahuthis offered cannot reach the Divinity efficiently. Doing the Agni Homam with continuous smoke is similar to serving the food as half baked. If any Agni Homam is conducted with smoke frequently, it is the mistake of the Archakar alone. But to hide their mistakes, such poor performers, have made propaganda in a way that the smoke from the Agni Kund, will be good for the Humanity.


The base of Agni Homam must be only by the wood from the Arasa Maram which is the sacred Tree (It is also known as Bodhi Tree/ Peepal tree/ Aswattha Tree). After igniting the wood pieces of such tree, plenty of Ghee to be used to maintain the fire continuously and afterwards all other sweets, highly energized nuts, dry coconuts to be put as Aahuthis. The Agni Kund is preparing the food for the Divinity.
In the ancient times, when the Agni Puja was conducted by the Rishis, due to the climate conditions, the wood pieces would normally have considerable moisture as there was no proper storage places. Hence, they use to ignite the wood pieces using the cow dung as a catalyst to make the wood pieces burn readily. They confirmed before putting the Aahuthis in the Agni Kund that the Cow Dung is completely dispersed in the Fire and thereafter, they started putting the Aahuthis one by one. In the current scenario, we have adequate storage facilities for keeping all Aahuthis in good condition, hence the cow dung is not required. The excretion is always the Excretion. Hence, in the current scenario, the usage of COW DUNG in the Agni Kund is not preferable. Even now, wrongly many Archakar are putting the COW DUNG as the base and without waiting for the complete dispersal of the COW DUNG energy, they are putting the Aahuthis into the fire along with the COW DUNG. The COW DUNG can still be used for various other purposes separately such as cleaning the floor area and also it may be burnt in a separate place so as to produce bio gas. Similarly, the Cow Urine may be used for many medicinal purposes for the Humanity. But the DIVINITY does not require such excretions. They need only pure GHEE in the Agni Puja as the Ghee comprises of millions of white cosmic energies.

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