Nowadays, in most of the Temples, only the Idols are decorated well for charming the worshipers but the energizing Agni pujas are ignored. There is no proper caring of Palliyarai and bathing ponds. Also, the Naivedyam (food offerings) are just shown before the Gods and taken out immediately without giving sufficient time for the Gods to take the energy from it. Even the Naivedyam are not presented before the Gods in respectable manner and kept on the floor in front of the IDOL disrespectfully. Even normal human beings cannot accept to take their food when they are sitting on the Chair and Foods are served on the Floor. Then, how a highly respected GODS will take their served Naivedyam when it is served on the Ground. In many Temples, such Naivedyam are just shown for a minute in front of every Deities and taken out for the usage of Archakar/ Devotees. Once the Naivedyam are served to the GODS in a proper Dining Table, then sufficient time must be given to the GODS to absorb the energy from the hot semi liquid PONGAL/ PAYASAM, Fruits etc., and thereafter it has to be served to the Birds who lives on the Temple Campus such as Crow/ Pigeon/ Small Ants etc., The GODS will be happy when such small species in the Temple are being taken care. Not only small species, When the Devotees who visit the temples are provided Free Foods by the Rich Devotees (Anna Dhanam), GODS will be very happy to bless such Devotees.
For the purpose of absorbing the WATER ENERGY, the GODS require Abhisekham by Water. The Abhisekham is also for cleaning the Idols. Idols are the Medium where the GODS merge with the IDOL to present before the Devotees. It must be cleaned properly by the Water (taken from an Exclusive SACRED WELL in the Temple) generally mixed with Turmeric, Sandal and other perfumed items mainly to avoid any gems accumulation over the IDOL, for antiseptic purposes and to keep good scented smell over it.
A few decades back, always, the Abhisekham were carried out in a closed screen and only by Water/ Turmeric Water/ Sandal Water/ Scented water. As per Veda’s ritual practices, when the Divinity is worshipped as GODS/GODDESSES, they take and perform the characters of Male/ Female depends upon the Idol installed at Moolasthanam. Hence, in the Veda’s ritual practices, it is not allowed to see when the idols are washed by Water / Sandal water/ Turmeric water etc., by a common devotee and it should be done in Public. Only specific Archakar/ Poojary/ Priest alone is allowed to carry out this ritual behind the closed screen. After finishing the Idols washing (referred as Abhisekham), always the GOD’s IDOLS are shown in a fully dressed form, decorated with Flowers, with new dresses and Jewellery to the Devotees for Darshan and the Aarathi is shown to activate the GODS energy to bless the Devotees who stand in front of the IDOLS.
But Nowadays, such Abhisekham are being carried out in front of all the Devotees and the Devotees think that they are blessed when they see such Abhisekham. The respectable humanity will not allow others to see when they take bath. Then how the highly respected God/Goddesses will allow the devotees to see when their Idols are washed (Abhisekham). Such open Abhisekham ritual action will make the Divinity to get angry and such devotees are getting curse from the Divinity instead of Blessing. As such open Abhisekham looks attractive to the Human Eyes, the devotees are happy to see such Abhisekham and many Temple Managements are encouraging to see the Abhisekham rituals openly in order to please the devotees and get money from the devotees.,
Instead of cleaning the IDOLS properly with perfumed Water, the Idols are washed with various food items such as Honey / Pongal / Panchamirtham / Milk and other sticky items such as Honey / GHEES etc., This is not a proper practice to keep the IDOL clean and not a suitable method for the GODS to absorb the water energy. The edible items such as Pongal, Panchamirtham and others are to be served as NAIVEDYAM only. The Ghee and Honey to be served through Agni Puja only. Even human beings will not like to put such sticky items and edible items on their head and body instead of serving such food items on a Plate in the Dining Table to consume. Then how the superior power GODS will accept such way of serving? Pouring the edible items on the Idols in the name of Abhisekham will be a disturbance to the GODS.
Due to such kind of Abhisekham with edible items and lack of proper cleaning mechanisms, most of the South Indian temples GARBHA-GRIHA are rodent infested. As a result of all these discourteous practices which are wrongly introduced in the recent decades, the Gods feel dishonoured.
Nowadays, in most of the temples, the bathing rituals of the Idols are (Abhisekham) alone given importance by the Temple management, that too, in wrong practices and the essential Agni pujas are not carried out regularly
As the GODS reside in the Temples permanently, the Paliyarai is the place where they are resting. Since from the Morning, the GODS are present in the Garba-Griha to bless the Devotees, they use to take rest generally in the Afternoon and Night. That is why the Temple doors are closed in the Afternoon between 1.00 pm to 3.00pm and in the Night from 9.00 pm to next Morning 6.00 am. The Kings had created the Palliyarai for GODS with well decorated Sandal wood Cots and Pillows. This is the important facility for the GODS in the temple. The Palliyarai is surrounded by Nandavanams where the scented flowers will be planted to keep the Palliyarai always with natural perfumed condition. The surrounding tress makes the Palliyarai naturally air conditioned. Nowadays, the Palliyarai is not at all maintained hygienically and it is mostly used for dumping old goods like a warehouse and even some temple staff / servants sleep over there.
The sacred Ponds in the temple are used by the Divine Gods/Goddesses along with their Parivar for absorbing the water energy in the cosmos in the early morning Brahma Muhurta time. It must be kept always clean always and hence it was properly guarded and restricted by the Temple Management. But, in practice, nowadays at many temples, the sacred pond is used as the bathing place of humans, washing place of their clothes and the sacred Pond became dirty. It becomes unsuitable for the Divinity and hence it useless for the GODS to absorb the Water Energy of the Cosmos. Unknowingly the Humans are doing such wrong practices and it must be stopped. The Punya Teertha bathing can be done by the Devotees only in the nearby Ocean water and not in the GOD’S usable POND and WELL.
Money contribution in the Hundi will not help to energize the Divine powers efficiently as the money goes to the Managements of the Temple and most of the Managements are not taking care of such Agni Puja nowadays. Instead, in many temples, only decorating activities are performed which has no energizing effects. The essential Fire rituals are forgotten by the devotees and the temple management in most of temples. The temple management and the devotees give much attention to the decorative rituals which has no energizing effect.
It is the duty of the devotees and the temple management to take initiative towards the AGNI PUJA. Then only the purpose of Visting the temples can be achieved. The Devotees should not forget the Temple is a Cosmic Energy Centre and it needs cosmic energy creation for which the Agni Puja is the Only way. Till the last few decades, everywhere the devotees have donated their money towards carrying out the Agni Puja for the Various GOD’S name and for the Navagraha’s name. Along with the aforesaid aspects, the population of the Worshippers are increasing day by day, whereas the energizing Agni Puja performances have drastically reduced in most of Temples. This invariably results in the Divine powers not being able to fulfil the prayers of all the Devotees.
The Temples are the Devalok for the GODS on the Earth. There should not be any interference for its rituals. The Temple is a place where even the Kings cannot interfere. Our Country is a leading country in the world for Divinity. But, nowadays, we notice that in many temples, the management is seeking permission from the Government for the rituals to be carried out. If any temple is popular, then it goes under the control of the Government. This rule varies from state to state. There is no standard Act/ Rule for the temple maintenance in our Country.
Due to so many false practices, government interferences, the Divine Gods are upset and in many temples and they do not stay in such temples where the Divinity’s essential requirements of everyday Agni Puja is not performed, Abhisekham in proper way are not carried out, Proper Naivedyam are not offered respectfully, the Garba-Griha, Palliyarai and Nandavanams not maintained hygienically. The GODS and GODDESSES cannot shower their blessings in abundance upon human beings where such essential requirements are not provided and not maintained hygienically. Only few temples are maintained in proper manner.