AGNI PUJA – The only efficient way to get the BLESSINGS of the GODS & Cosmos

“AGNI”, in Sanskrit language, means “FIRE”, and it refers to one of the 5 main Cosmic Energy Elements pervading the entire Universe. The “FIRE Ritual”, is called as “Homam” or “Agni Puja”. In essence, it is a highly sacred ritual where offerings and oblations are made into fire – along with chanting of various Sacred syllables called as Mantras – to appease and propitiate the GODS / GODDESSES, and thereby receive their manifold Blessings for Human Welfare.
“AGNI PUJA” is the only way to get connection between the GODS and the Human beings and to get the blessings of Gods/ Goddesses directly from them. When the Human beings offer food items into the sacred FIRE or AGNI (the process is referred as offering of Oblations (or “Aahuthi”), through Agni Homam, the Gods/Goddesses happily accept it and they become highly energized by accepting these oblations offered into the fire. When this FIRE Ritual (Agni Homam) is done regularly without interruption, in turn, the Gods/Goddesses happily shower their blessings in abundance to the devotees/worshipers using their COSMIC ENERGY powers.
In connection with this, having been graced by the abundant and munificent Blessings of Sri RAJA RAJESHWARI Devi, through SRICHAKRA/ MAHAMERU Worship. Srichakra Gnana Guruji is worshipping and doing AGNI HOMAM every day, for the past 20 years, to the Supreme Empress Goddess Sri RAJA RAJESHWARI Devi (also named as Sri LALITHA TRIPURA SUNDARI) and her Prime Ministerial Goddesses: Sri EKI PARAMESHWARI Devi, Sri JHWALA MALINI Devi, Sri MAHA CHANDIKESHWARI Devi and a Protective God Sri JEYA VEERA KARUPPASWAMY.
The main process involved in the Agni Puja is comparable to the digestion process of the food in the human body. The food in the stomach gets digested by the Hydro chloric acid secretions in the human body and thereby the food is dispersed as energy and circulated into human Bio-system to energize the humans. In Sanskrit, we have the term “ JATAR-AGNI” which means the digestive fire of the humans pranic energy corresponding to the human bio system. Similarly, when the Aahuthis are put in the sacred fire in the Agni-Kund, the food items are dispersed by the help of fire and the dispersed energy is guided through Mantras and the name of the GOD and accordingly it reaches the relevant GODS / GODDESSES. As the Divinity is always merged with the cosmic energy, such dispersed energy of Aahuthis generated from the fire rituals immensely strengthens the GOD’s cosmic power and in turn they will be energized more and they return it by the way the blessings to the devotees doing the Agni Puja.
All such energy conversion is registered in the cosmic energy like courier system where the senders name and receiving God’s name should be properly informed while doing the Agni Puja by the Priests. Always, we have to clearly specify the GOD’s name and in which temple they are residing. Example: Mylapore Karpagambal Devi, Mylai Kapalishwarar, Kailasha Rudra Murthy, Tirupathi Venkatachalapathy, Badrinath Mahalakshmi etc., If the name of the GODS along with their residing places is not specified in a Agni Puja, then the dispersed energy will be directionless and it will go in the cosmic to a nearest Deity who has similar characteristics of Eswar, Lakshmi, etc.,
The ingredients to be offered through the Agni Puja starts with wood pieces of Arasa sacred Tree ( It is also known as Bodhi Tree/ Peepal tree/ Aswattha Tree) and other edible items such as : Ghee, Dry Coconuts, Various Sweets, Fruits, Milk, Vada’s, Dates, Cereals and Grains and other High Energy edible items like Almonds, Pistachios, Nuts, Herbs and Silk dresses, etc. Such Homa / Yajna has to be performed everyday uninterruptedly in order to retain the Divine powers in every temple, as the GODS always reside in a Temple.
Such sacred and most essential “Agni Homam” way of worshipping Gods, is not being followed nowadays in most of the Temples or in any other worshiping places and hence, Humanity is therefore unable to get the blessings of the Divine Gods/ Goddesses in abundance.
It is well known fact that from the ancient times, the Gods/Goddesses had been worshipped by Rishis and their family members only through Agni Homam and hence the Rishis were very much powerful.
During the very Ancient times, there were no temples and Agni pujas were carried out every day only in the hermitage of the Saints & Rishis (Parnasalai – Agni Homa Kund).
As the GODS are getting energy from the COSMOS by absorbing the fundamental five elements, the Rishis worshipped the GODS by creating extra Cosmic Energies (for the purpose of blessing the mankind) at their hermitage by way of conducting every day the Agni Puja through Agni Homa Kund (for Fire Energy which is the most powerful), Abhishekas of Idols (For Water Energy), Garden / Flowers/ Trees Surrounded Environment (For purified AIR Energy), Separate Huts for the GODS to reside (Palliyarai), Proper stage to serve the Naivedyam (Madapalli),etc.
Later, when the Ruling Kings ascertained and cognized about the Powers and Siddhis of Rishis, they too were also motivated and started worshipping the Gods and with their wealth and they constructed big “Divine abodes” for the Gods/ Goddesses which are known as “Temples”. As the GODS are always merged with the Cosmic Energy of the Universe, they were specially invited to stay in such Temples in order to be closer with the Humanity to shower their blessings. So, the Temples have become the Residing places of the GODS/GODDESSES other than the Parnasalai of the Rishis. Once, the GODS had started staying at the Temples, such Temples are called as DEVALOK on the Earth. As most of humanity currently thinks that the Devaloks are in the SKY, that aspect is not correct. It is wrong belief. The Temples are Devaloks and it is on the Earth only.
When the Gods/ Goddesses were invited to reside in the temple as per Vedic process, the Kings had created all the above facilities on a bigger scale inside the Temples, for the Divinity’s stay. The Kings also gave the prime importance for the Agni Puja in the temple as they know that the uninterrupted AGNI PUJA alone will retain the Divinity in that particular temple for many years. For that purpose, Kings offered lot of wealth such as Gold/ Diamonds and lot of lands to the Temple so as to generate the continuous income for the above maintenance and ritual expenses for Agni Puja uninterruptedly.
Nowadays, instead of carrying out proper Agni Puja, small level fire rituals such as lighting of small Earthern lamps inside the temples at various places are done by the devotees which has only very small energizing effects. When the same is done by group of devotees at a time, the energy level may increase further more. But, instead of this lighting of Earthern lamps, the best way is to carry out the Agni Puja by the Devotees.

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